We have all heard and seen photos of security employees falling asleep at their posts or during winter staying at their posts with the heater on, instead of patrolling their sections as required by the client. Others can be rude towards your employees and clients, or believe that they are the authority/law unto themselves.

There are numerous reports of security personnel who were tied up or were themselves complicit  in a crime that was committed. Getting used to a guard or guards can cause complacency and could place you and your family’s safety as well as that of your employees and clients in great jeopardy.

However, we at Canyon Protection Services are committed to deliver the best service by having guards at your residence 24/7 on a 12-hour rotation system. They are rotated with our other guards from other sites to avoid complacency and familiarization from occurring, which can lead to criminal activities.

We also have a tactical response team on hand, patrolling the area to ensure the safety of assets and people. In the event of an emergency our tactical response team are also first aiders and will assist until the emergency services arrive. Our Shift Supervisors are well trained and do patrol and site visits to ensure that none of our guards are asleep.

All our guards have gone through a stringent screening process as well as training and have to undergo a polygraph test yearly to keep up honesty and integrity levels.

Guards are also trained to use force when required under extenuating circumstances.