Directors and members across various corporate sectors have come together to establish Canyon Protection Services. Their vision for the company has been to rapidly establish it as a leading player in the security sector. With their vision in mind they are out to change and inspire the minds and ways people look at the security industry today. Canyon Protection Services comprises a team of young vibrant security professionals who share an in-depth knowledge of the ongoing legal aspects and daily dangers faced by the public, and how this is impacting their lifestyles owing to the threat posed by heightened levels of criminal activities across South Africa.

Criminal activities have become a way of life in South Africa due to the increase in unemployment and poverty. Many criminals may start out committing petty crime, but overtime they can devolve into hardened criminals, with connections to the criminal underworld, who carry out more violent crimes. 

We as a country have learned to accept and become scarily complacent with this way of day to day living that sadly includes; murder, rape, home invasions, human trafficking, among other serious crimes. These are the latest trends in the underworld, which have forced us to turn our homes and places of work into something resembling Fort Knox in an attempt to fight off the danger. This is where we as Canyon Protection Services step in and offer you an alternative.

Canyon Protection Services are a dedicated team of professionals ready to protect you, your family and your way of life.  We pride ourselves on our professionalism and exceptional work ethic in order to protect your physical well-being and privacy, and the thereby offering you peace of mind.

The corporate industry is no exception to the common criminal’s rule, from basic theft to corporate espionage companies are not always aware of the dangers surrounding them and the ongoing activities in and around the immediate vicinity.


At Canyon Protection Services we have the experience to be your eyes and ears to rapidly identify, monitor, and address these risks. Canyon Protection Services carry a strong belief in what we know as the 7 P’s, namely “Proper Prior Preparation & Planning Prevents Poor Performance. It is with these 7 P’s we can service our clients with any security need, regardless of status.

Trust is earned, and we are committed  to do just that by carrying out our security duties with the highest levels of integrity, honesty and an exceptional work ethic. We are driven by putting your needs and wants first with a ‘nothing is impossible’ attitude and in a manner that is synonymous with you as our client and your situation at hand.

Canyon Protection Services is committed to making a difference and in doing so, we have well trained staff from our general guard stationed at your place of work or residence to our riot, strike or tactical response teams. We also boast highly qualified close protection personnel for your VIP Protection needs, that look after you and your family while you carry on with your everyday life and daily routine.

We offer a wide range of services to accommodate and cater for every business or person’s individual needs.

Canyon Protection Services has a social economical responsibility to our staff, their families and communities. We do this by educating them about the criminal elements that exist in and around their communities. Our staff have gone through extensive training to be able to analyse a situation and handle conflict management to deescalate a situation that could potentially turn violent and be able to protect themselves, if need be.

With over a decade of experience in safety and security solutions and the integration of these and other business systems making us a specialised safety and security agency. 

Our technical department offers complete force multiplier solutions, which comprises of supply, installation, commissioning and integration of safety and security solutions for the commercial, industrial, institutional, mining and parastatal environments

We provide application consultancy, product selection, design, execution and maintenance services for the use of the latest security technologies and safety solutions.


Canyon Protection Services is a security services company established by mining group Canyon Coal (Pty) Ltd. After managing security functions provided by third party service providers for years, Canyon Coal realised that there was a need for its own security company.  Who better to provide security services to a mine than a company born from the mining environment?  We understand mining security and the specific needs required by mines. 

The need for a security provider specialising in corporates was recognised and Canyon Protection Services was established to fulfil the need in the market.


  • Customer Care

  • Strong Alliances with Internal & External Agencies

  • Commitment to Good Service

  • Good Financial Capabilities

  • In House Security Expertise